We went to OctoBIRDfest at the art museum way in the beginning of October. Both of the camera batteries were dead so we only got this one picture and the photographer at the event captured AJ playing croquet (which he thought was like golf so the mallet was swinging all over the place!). The event was fantastic and I am really glad that we went. AJ was at a good age to go. The museum brings in a bunch of pumpkins for a pumpkin 'patch' and and they set up tents throughout the sculpture garden with games and acts going on. AJ played some bird related games and got a balloon frog. Each activity cost a ticket which were 10 cents each and when we came in AJ got a ticket for a free pumpkin. It was so much fun! Can't wait until next year! Let's hope it isn't as cold...

The Monday after AJ and I went to Wilke's Farm with our playgroup for a hayride, corn maze and to pick pumpkins. They have a giant sandbox with tons of trucks which AJ really enjoyed. The weather forecast said it was supposed to be warmer than it was that day- we were both pretty cold!
The hayride went through the woods and it was truly beautiful with the canopy of trees. Then we came up past the cows roaming in the fields and over by the barns. The barn area smelled SO bad and there was a dead cow posed next to the barn. All the adults on the ride were trying to figure out if it was dead or not but that thing did not move. We also wondered if it was used in the Haunted Maze but no it was just dead. At least they posed it to look like it was just sitting down resting. Creepy.