After getting into Alabama six hours later than we were supposed to because of snow in Minneapolis we finally made it to the beach the next day. Andrew was a super trooper on the plane and we got several compliments about how well behaved he was. He didn't complain once! AJ was so excited that it was 'summertime' in AL! It was beautiful everyday we were there- high 70s and sunny. What more could you ask for? We played on the beach and in the pool everyday.

This is what a kid who loves the sand and driving his trucks looks like! The sand was so soft and I just wanted to scoop it up and bring it home with me!

He didn't want the waves to 'get' him!

Lulu's Restaurant owned by Lucy Buffett, Jimmy's sister. This restaurant was so cool- it had the beach volleyball, a plank walk, a big mound of sand with a ton of buckets and shovels to play with, bean bag toss... The perfect beach bar & restaurant (even though it was on the marina/lagoon).

We played miniature golf. AJ was continually 4 holes ahead of me, grandma and poppa. Funny little story about that hat. I forgot to bring his and the first day he was getting a little too much sun (I missed some spots with the sunscreen) so my parents took him to get a hat (I was stuck in bed with the stomach flu that day). They couldn't find a fishing hat except for that one that says 'Culf Shores'. Don't you think they would have sent that shipment back?

Riding the 3 rides he could at the amusement park. How cute is he in that car?

Being the train conductor and ringing the bell on the train ride.

At the
Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo we got to hold a baby kangaroo! How cool is that? Her name was Olivia and she was 4 months old. Her pouch was the size of a quarter. She was so soft and snuggly!

See Olivia's boyfriend under the bench? He is going after AJ because he's moving in on his woman! :) He just sniffed his shoe!!

There's a nice picture of the three of us!

AJ is laughing at the pouch.

AJ loves feeding the goats. Goats freak mom out with their freaky goat eyes.

I love the look on his face in this shot!

After the zoo, we went to
Lambert's Cafe. It was a really fun place that throws hot rolls at you and serves entirely too much food! The fried potatoes and onions were so yummy but I could still taste them at 9 that night!