Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bay Beach and the Wildlife Center

On a hot day in July, we ventured out to Green Bay and to Bay Beach with AJ's cousins, Adreanna and Parker.  We had loads of fun riding the rides at the amusement park and then at the nature center across the way.  Those three kids get together and it is bound to be goofy!

Parker and AJ on the helicopter ride

Waiting in line for the train... the sure know how to entertain themselves!
Parker and AJ on the train
Adreanna and Nicole on the train

Taking a break in the wading pool!  Boy, that water feels good!

At the nature center

Monday, July 4, 2011

A couple of family pictures from the Fourth of July

There are many more of these pictures but they aren't on my computer right now...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock and roll!

AJ's first outing to a bowling alley and then he had a bowling birthday party to go to the next week too!  Lucky kid!  ;)

And daddy only beat him by 2 pins... with the bumpers on!  Ha!

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Let's go out to the ball game!  An evening at Athletic Park watching the Wisconsin Woodchucks!

The Enchanted Fairy Forest aka Paff Park

We discovered this little park in Wausau one day and it was just like an enchanted fairy forest. I loved it! So did AJ! We had fun bouncing around this wooded wonderland for an hour in between swim lessons at the Y and going to the outdoor pool.

Sprinkler time in early June!

AJ's last day of preschool

With his teachers, Mrs. Roz and Mrs. Kimball

With his friend E.

It's like 65 degrees out!

Yet he acts like it's 85!!!