Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween! Yeah!

At a halloween party in the morning at our neighbor, Tara's house. The kids had so much fun! Henry (Thomas the Train), AJ (owl), Jack (Batman), Abby (puppy dog), Ryan (Mickey Mouse), Elizabeth (Little Mermaid) and Jack (Captain Hook). Tommy (SWAT) and Willy (NASA astronaut) were late and are in the next batch of pictures which I didn't get because I was trying to keep AJ in the picture!

Flying away from mom and the camera!

Trying to escape...

AJ was an owl this year and I made his costume. I hustled to get it done before his cousin, Adreanna's birthday party on October 11th. It was done and he got sick so he didn't go. Then he was supposed to have a party with his Tuesday playgroup but that was cancelled because they were switching rooms and painting... Finally, on Halloween we had a party in the morning at our neighbor's house. There were 5 moms and their kids from the neighborhood. It was very nice. Tara had a brunch and the kids were crazy and wild but it was a good change of pace. Andrew and I (Monarch butterfly) went trick or treating later in the neighborhood while dad passed out candy. We have the perfect size neighborhood (3 streets, about 20-25 houses) to trick or treat in and it was great to meet some of our neighbors. We really love our new house, its location, and our neighbors. Everyone is so friendly. We look forward to living here for a long time!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

You are too creative, the owl turned out awesome! I love the glasses too. What a cutie!