AJ went to his first Wisconsin Woodchucks baseball game last night. The Woodchucks are part of the Northwoods Summer League with players from colleges across the country. Steve and I used to go to games all the time but we haven't gone to any in a couple of years. So we watched a few innings while the Woodchucks played the Madison Mallards. We were sitting on the 1st base line with the sun in our eyes but it made for some really nice photos. I took a lot. This is just a fraction!

I really like taking sports photos. I was basically just playing around to see what I could capture.

This guy got thrown out of the game right after this time at bat. He was a really good player. But he played for the Mallards. A great shot (I just missed it) was when, after being ejected, he turned and looked right up toward us and smiled. I wish I would have captured it. I also had a net in front of me and was sitting 8 rows up in the bleachers...

When the music for 'Charge' would come on he would yell, "George!" instead. He went through all his Wisconsin teams 'Go Brewers!' (much to my chagrin, a Cubs fan...), 'Go Badgers!' 'Go Bucky!' 'Go Game!' and finally, 'Go Woodchips!' Too cute!! :)

My money shot.
Or maybe this one is my money shot...
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