Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best Valentine's Day EVER!

I don't care about Valentine's Day.  It is a pointless "holiday" but this one was the best one ever.  :)  I gave AJ the option of going to his class Valentine's Day party at school or going to the hospital with our social worker to pick up Natalie and bring her to her foster home for a month.  He chose to meet his new sister!  He was SO excited when he went to school yesterday- he had a big grin and was telling everyone- parents, teachers, all the other kids- that he was now a big brother.  

IMC feeding Natalie while AJ looks on
AJ meeting and holding Natalie for the first time.  :)
My friend Maggie painted this picture for us.  Love this picture!
IMC's dad, J holding Natalie

Grandma N and Grandpa G (birth father's mom and stepdad) with Natalie
Aunt K (birth father's sister) and Natalie

Daddy with Natalie that night at the Ms house (her foster home for the next month until termination of parental rights).  We really lucked out!  Our foster family was AWESOME and only lived 5 minutes from us!  We were over there often to visit!  :)

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